Sublime Text Keyboard Shortcut to Comment Out Lines

It is possible to quickly comment-out large blocks of code in Sublime Text using keyboard shortcuts, which we will learn to use in this article.


Single-Line Comments Shortcut

To add single-line comments, put the text cursor on the line to comment-out or highlight multiple lines and type CMD + / on Mac, for Linux and Windows use CTRL + /.


Single line comment highlight


The above command will output single-line comments like this in JavaScript:


// $('#foo').click(function() {
// 	$(this).toggleClass('bar');
// });


Block Comment Shortcut

Highlight the block of code to comment out and press CMD + OPT + /  on Mac, for Linux and Windows use CTRL + SHIFT + / to wrap it in a block comment.


Block comment highlight


The above command will output block comments like this in JavaScript:


/*$('#foo').click(function() {



If the language you are using does not support single-line comments, Sublime Text will automatically use block commenting.
