How to Open Safari Developer Tools & Enable Mobile View Mode

In this tutorial, we will learn how to open the Safari developer console and enable mobile view for responsive web development.


How to Enable Safari Developer Tools

If you don't have developer tools enabled in Safari, you will need to do this before the console can be opened by using the following steps:


  • From the main menu go to Safari > Preferences (or use the CMD + , keyboard shortcut.)
  • Go to the Advanced tab.
  • Check "Show Developer menu in menu bar"


Open the Safari Developer Console

Now open the developer console in responsive mode by going to the menu and selecting Develop > Enter Responsive Design Mode:


Responsive Mode


Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + CMD + R to enter responsive developer mode.


Now you can work on your website in a variety of different mobile device screen sizes by selecting them at the top of the page:


Dev Console
browser tips